White Privilege: Blacks Can’t Play Pokemon Go Because Racism

Daily Stormer
July 16, 2016


I didn’t want to believe it, but it turns out Pokemon was made by White supremacists. There’s no tranny characters either. smdh.

There’s so many things Whites just take for granted, but are actually the fruit of privilege. For example, we can go around catching Pokemon without worrying people will mistake us for a criminal casing a joint.

But Blacks can’t. There’s something about them, no doubt due to centuries of slavery and colonialism, that makes others believe they’re casing joints non-stop.

Even other Blacks.

Mobile Lifestyle:

Warning: Pokemon GO is a Death Sentence if you are a Black Man.

This week has been a catastrophe for Blackness. Two men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, were killed by police officers within 24 hours of each other. Neither had committed a crime that was punishable by death nor did they put any officers lives at risk. It’s inexcusable, unjustifiable, and is perpetuated by a system that disproportionately targets Black Men. Later in the week, 5 police officers in Dallas were killed in the line of duty by a single gunman during an otherwise peaceful protest concerning those cases of lethal force.* All of these deaths are completely senseless.

Those are the facts.

In another sector of the internet this week, a mobile game called Pokemon GO was released. Being of the geekish human variety, I was inexplicably excited about this game. They were giving me a chance to catch ’em all once again, this time in the real world using an obvious combination of technology and magic. I downloaded it immediately when I saw the news of its release.


Blacks believe all technology is produced by magic, much like the Magitech armors in Final Fantasy VI (III in the US).

I spent less than 20 minutes outside. Five of those minutes were spent enjoying the game. One of those minutes I spent trying to look as pleasant and nonthreatening as possible as I walked past a somewhat visibly disturbed white woman on her way to the bus stop. I spent the other 14 minutes being distracted from the game by thoughts of the countless Black Men who have had the police called on them because they looked “suspicious” or wondering what a second amendment exercising individual might do if I walked past their window a 3rd or 4th time in search of a Jigglypuff.

When my brain started combining the complexity of being Black in America with the real world proposal of wandering and exploration that is designed into the gamplay of Pokemon GO, there was only one conclusion. I might die if I keep playing.

The breakdown is simple:

  • There is a statistically disproportionate chance that someone could call the police to investigate me for walking around in circles in the complex.
  • There is a statistically disproportionate chance that I would be approached by law enforcement with fear or aggression, even when no laws have been broken.
  • There is a statistically disproportionate chance that I will be shot while reaching for my identification that I always keep in my back right pocket.
  • There is a statistically disproportionate chance that more shots will be fired and I will be dead before any medical assistance is available.


Good job on that breakdown, man. I’ll give you an A+.

The premise of Pokemon GO asks me to put my life in danger if I chose to play it as it is intended and with enthusiasm. Let’s just go ahead and add Pokemon GO to the extremely long list of things white people can do without fear of being killed, while Black people have to realistically be wary.

Maybe the problem is that Blacks commit disproportionate amounts of violent crime? I’m guessing that’s related.

You can be sure that if a Black guy was roaming around your house, the first thing that’d pop into your mind wouldn’t be “I bet he’s trying to catch Pokemon.”

In fact, I suspect this article was written to provide cover for burglars trying to make excuses.

“No, officah’, I wasn’t casin’ no joint! I was jus’ playin’ Pokemon go!”

Nice try, Tyrone, nice try.