White Privilege Conference Discovers White People were Invented in 1681

May 19, 2014

The White Privilege Conference included segregated workshops open only to some conference participants, based solely on the color of their skin.

According to progressives attending a white privilege conference in Madison, Wisconsin, white people were invented in 1681. This was just one highlight of a video posted Tuesday at Progressives Today, a site dedicated to exposing the far left wing agenda.

Speakers at the conference also claimed America is inherently evil because of its racist roots. Speakers claimed, for example, that racism was developed by white industrialists in colonial America as part of a plot to divide labor and keep the working class in their place.

Individualism, they claimed, is a white construct. They also claimed Islamic societies have historically protected Jews from white Christians.

“White supremacy has been embedded in the United States since its beginning,” one speaker reportedly said.

Rape is ok when its Black on White, according to the WPC.

Speakers called for replacing America’s capitalist system with socialism, arguing that blacks will never advance in a free market economy. They also seek to either reduce or eliminate the influence of Christianity, Progressives Today added, claiming that it is simply a tool to oppress blacks and others.

“It’s very similar to how we might define racism or sexism or other systems of oppression,” one speaker said of Christianity.

Worse yet, Steve Gunn said, the movement is focused on K-12 educators in hopes teachers will use the information to indoctrinate children “while their parents are not paying attention.”

Kim Radersma, a former high school English teacher and current activist who spoke at the convention, for example, told attendees that teaching is a purely political act. Those who choose to remain politically neutral, she added in no uncertain terms, should get out of teaching.

Surely this would only apply to Blacks and Hispanics on Affirmative Action and Jews through nepotism?

“Teaching is a political act, and you can’t choose to be neutral,” Radersma said. “You are either a pawn used to perpetuate a system of oppression or you are fighting against it. And if you think you are neutral, you are a pawn.”

Those who do not confront the system, she added, are promoting white supremacy. According to the Daily Caller, attendees paid over $400 to hear her speak.

“She also articulated the view that black students were better off being taught by black teachers, since white people have little to offer them,” the Daily Caller added. Additionally, she claimed that only women can teach feminism. Radersma, Robby Soave reported, is white, as were the vast majority of the participants.

Its amazing how people can be blind to the double standards they are showing.

The conference even claimed that white people giving charitable donations to blacks is racist. One white attendee claimed that after donating to a disadvantaged minority family, her family realized they were engaging in racism.

“It’s that savior mentality… ‘we need to think of them and give them our sympathy and our charity and our generosity,’ which is so demeaning to the people on the receiving end,” Radersma explained. “It’s so demoralizing and disempowering to be receiving it.”

It’s really no wonder people like this claim they can see racism in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The video posted by Progressives Today can be seen above. Progressives Today said the video is the first in a four-part series.