Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 14, 2015

The latest White Privilege conference is underway in Louisville, Kentucky, and many Whites have gathered to try and relieve their guilt over this new version of the old Christian concept of Original Sin.
A Jew called Leonard Zeskind gave a speech in which he claimed that the Tea Party is an evil racist group and that the only reason they oppose Obama is because he is Black (even while they are themselves constantly searching for the magic Negro and half their leaders are non-White Latins).
The speaker was Leonard Zeskind. The author and activist hosted a session concerning the tea party, a limited government movement that shared in the responsibility for returning the U.S. House of Representatives to Republican control four years ago.
Zeskind’s Thursday afternoon talk was entitled “The Denial of White Privilege, the Tea Party Movement and the Building of Our Response.”
The former factory worker turned “social change maker” began his lecture by stressing that his “area of expertise is the white nationalist movement.” He claimed to have begun paying attention to the tea party because, he said, white supremacists swelled in the tea party ranks after Obama was sworn in as president in 2009.
“All this business about government and ‘constitutional’ is a smokescreen that’s really all about, ‘I want this country back for me.’ And ‘me’ meaning ‘white people,’” Zeskind told an overflow conference room crowd.
“We consider the tea party a post-Cold War nationalist group,” he went on to explain. Tea party aficionados “have an internal life around gun rallies” and “around constitutional study groups.”
“I don’t think I have to convince you that they have sort of a generic racism,” Zeskind informed the audience, to many approving nods. He also used the term “bald-faced racists” to describe the tea party. (And the term “screw-loosers.”)
After noting that tea party supporters do not like to be called racists, the leftist activist suggested that tea party advocates mostly don’t like President Barack Obama because Obama “broke the white monopoly on the presidency.”
“Tea partiers are not overly concerned about the economy,” he confidently asserted.
So there you have it. I am not a huge fan of the Tea Party – I guess I somewhat was when it first started and was actually genuine, but at that time I was also not a hardcore Nazi at the time. I still agree with their positions on free speech and guns, of course, but that is about it. When Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin joined up, it turned into a complete joke.

Anyway, what this Jew is saying is completely kooky and dumb, clearly. They are not actual racists, they are just White people. But the fact that they are White people who do White people things and support White people ideas means that they fit this new definition of “racism,” wherein holding a White identity – even if it is subconscious while you actively deny that your identity is White and try to include non-Whites in your agenda – is a form of racial hatred.
This entire SJW movement is about destroying the White race, plain and simple, and every time these people open their mouths, they make that reality more clear.
The conference isn’t on YouTube yet, but here’s a video of the ratlike weasel Zeskind attacking the tea party in an interview.