WHITE SHARIA PROPHET Nathan Damigo Investigated for Serving ULTIMATE JUSTICE

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2017

The Prophet of WHITE SHARIA, Nathan Damigo (PBUH), is being hunted and persecuted simply for dealing out SWIFT, BRUTAL and ULTIMATE JUSTICE.

WHITE SHARIA is a religion of PEACE.

LA Times:

Cal State Stanislaus officials launched an “immediate investigation” this weekend after one of their students, white supremacist Nathan Damigo, was captured on video punching a woman in the face during a melee in Berkeley.

“The university has zero tolerance for the use of violence and we will take all of the necessary legal and disciplinary measures to ensure that all students and everyone on campus have a safe and secure environment,” Cal State Stanislaus President Ellen Junn said in a statement Sunday.

This didn’t happen on campus.

As noted, it happened during a melee in Berkeley.

Violent confrontations broke out in Berkeley on Saturday. Clashes between backers and critics of President Trump — and scuffles between self-described anti-fascists and white nationalists — resulted in 21 arrests and numerous injuries.

Damigo charged a diminutive woman who was involved in the fighting and punched her in the face, then ran away into the crowd.

Yes, “diminutive.” Or as the porno tag says “petite.”

This article should also note that she is “hairy.”

That is: “Damigo charged a diminutive and hairy woman…”

Video of the punch went viral, with many on social media calling for Damigo’s arrest and his expulsion from Cal State Stanislaus, where he is a social sciences student.

Actor Chris Evans, who plays Marvel’s Nazi-punching superhero Captain America, tweeted video of Damigo’s punch on Saturday, saying, “I hope I run into Nathan.”

Chris Evans is the one who should be investigated!

He’s the one making threats!

He should also be prosecuted for having sex with JEWS!


Damigo did not respond to requests for comment.

On Sunday, Junn said the university was in contact with “relevant officials and will take appropriate and timely actions to address this issue.” She did not reference Damigo by name.

Janice Curtin, a spokeswoman for Cal State Stanislaus, said in an email to the Times on Monday that the university was not contacted by police but that Junn had received email and Twitter messages beginning Saturday.

As part of its investigation, the university’s Police Department will be in contact with Berkeley police, she said. University leadership and campus legal counsel will be assembling teams to determine how to handle the situation, Curtin said.

Oh yeah, now we’re acting like he committed some sort of crime.


Maybe if porno sluts don’t want to get punched in the face, they shouldn’t willingly go to street melees to try to “scalp” Nazis?