Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 14, 2016
So, a White girl has gone viral reading a poem apologizing for slavery, microaggressions, Trayvon and Michael Brown, etc.
Even low-income White women are now on the “give it to me, Tyrone” love train, it seems. Traditionally, low-income Whites knew Blacks were faking victimhood because they were dealing with similar financial issues but didn’t have the same behavior patterns as Blacks.
Savanna Hartman is a “Pastor,” which I don’t really understand. I guess women are doing that too now, but she doesn’t hardly seem old enough. Anyway, I’m not going to look up the details of that because I don’t care.
Women just love these monkeys.
This coddling they engage in is motherly, but it is also sexual. Women love the idea of vulnerabilities in men, they fetishize it, as it gives them a place where they feel needed.
On another level, they want as much information about these vulnerabilities so they can then use them as leverage, having the ability to hurt men with their words – skanks like this will cry about Tyrone’s mistreatment, but I guarantee, as soon as he pisses her off, she’s the first one to call him a dumb effing n-word.
The motherly nurturing also being sexual is not actually weird, though it may sound weird to a man. But it is actually no different than a man being a physical protector and provider for a woman and his children. The man also has power over her in that he is physically stronger, though it is much more straightforward that the female emotional vulnerability exploitation power, which is the reason women are historically viewed as sneaky and dishonorable by men.
They aren’t actually dishonorable, they just don’t have the ability to physically match a man so they have evolved a mechanism to harm a man’s masculinity by attacking his vulnerabilities with words. This is a biological mechanism, whereas honor is an abstract spiritual concept.
The “woman problem” is not a result of intrinsic problems in the female – she has evolved to be as she should be. The problem is the exploitation of the female nature by the Jews. Women are so open to having various ideas pushed on them by the media, because the ideas are sold to them through emotion rather than facts.
The Jews have fetishized non-Whites as both victims and paragons of masculinity, this message is sold through the medium of emotion rather than fact, and so it is mainly women that swallow it.
The men who swallow it, one can note, have womanlike characteristics, both psychological and physical. You never see a muscular man out protesting in support of immigrants or Black Lives matter. The Whites involved are 80-90% women, and the men you see are weak and effeminate.
Women possess a psychological mechanism to feel guilt, nor do they respond to facts, or even possess the ability to distinguish between facts and feelings. What they are very, very aware of is shame and being viewed as socially unacceptable. If you wanted to fix the woman problem, you would focus on shame.