White Son of Patient Killed by Witch Doctor Told to Pay Legal Costs for Insulting Him

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2014

David Gray was killed by Black incompetence. How many more have to die, before we stop pretending these brutes are just as capable as we are?

In a completely avoidable tragedy, a White doctor’s father was recently killed by the stupidity of a low IQ ape from the dark continent masquerading as a German physician.

The ape was standing in for the patient’s usual health-care professional and instead of giving him the recommended dose of his medication, he gave him ten times as much instead.

The medicine was diamorphine and the White man died, years before his time.

When his sons tried to get the incompetent primate fired and prevented from harming any more White people, they were told that under EU law, Germany had to deal with it.

Trusting to the Germans to do the right thing, the man’s sons were then shocked to discover that the deadly doctor was still practicing, and had not even been given any prison time.

Then to make matters worse, the backwards savage has sued one of the White men and now the bereaved is being chased by the courts to pay his father’s murderer.

Rory Gray has now been sued by the charlatan, for calling him an ‘animal.’

The Guardian:

Rory Gray was sued in a German court by Dr Daniel Ubani for remarks he made when he and his brother confronted the doctor at a medical conference in the country.

An inquest found David Gray, 70, was unlawfully killed in 2008 after Ubani, a Nigerian-born Germany citizen who was working as an out-of-hours locum GP, fatally administered 10 times the normal dose of diamorphine. The doctor was struck off the medical register in the UK.

The Daily Telegraph said Gray and his brother, Stuart, interrupted the conference, calling Ubani a “charlatan”, “killer” and “animal”. Now a court in Lindau, Germany, has ruled that Gray must pay three-quarters of the legal costs, running into thousands of pounds, and write Ubani a letter promising never to call him an animal again. It has also threatened him with a £200,000 fine if he repeats the insult.

Gray, 49, told the Telegraph: “It makes me feel physically sick. It is quite hard to believe. We went to that conference because we were determined to make things safer for people. What we have done has changed the laws to make things safer across Europe.”

He added: “The General Medical Council has thanked us, the politicians have thanked us, but now this. It shows the man has no integrity, no remorse.”

The arrogant beast now things he is invincible, after the courts keep finding in his favor.