White South Africans are Being Openly Genocided – And No Country But Australia is Offering Them Refuge

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2018

Facing displacement, land-theft and open, brutal genocide, the whites of South Africa are attempting to flee.

Australia is the only place that will even consider taking them.


More than 200 farmers from South Africa have applied for humanitarian visas in Australia after allegedly suffering attacks for being white, according to the Australian Home Affairs Ministry.

“The type of criteria they of course have to meet – or the key one – is evidence of persecution, so that’s exactly what we will be looking at,” Home Affairs Deputy Secretary Malisa Golightly said. Home Affairs said 89 refugee visa applications relating to 213 people had been received, although they did not specify their ethnicity or any other details.

News reports emerged earlier this year revealing that white farmers in South Africa had faced persecution after the country’s government approved a new law allowing for the confiscation of their lands, which would be transferred to black citizens.

They are effectively doing to white people what the Jews did to Palestinians.

I say “effectively,” but it is pretty much the exact same thing.

Zulus did not live in the territory that is now South Africa before whites established a colony there. They moved in from outside, now they are violently and through the use of government force dispossessing them of their homeland.

Following the reports, Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton announced his willingness to start fast-tracking humanitarian visas for South Africans who had endured violent rural crime at home and wished to move Down Under. The step was slammed by the South African opposition, which called Australia, and those willing to escape there, ‘racist.’


They are openly stealing people’s land, sending them to live in shanty towns, then calling them racist if they try to flee.

That is different than the Palestine-Israel situation.

I guess they want to keep them there so they can continue to humiliate and murder them. That’s the only real explanation I can see.

But who knows what goes through the heads of black people.

The controversial legislation was endorsed by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who pledged to hand the lands owned by white farmers since the 1600s to black citizens of the country without compensation for the owners. South Africa’s 50 million citizens are predominantly black, but 72 percent of farmland reportedly belongs to whites.

The legislation evoked strong disapproval both in the country and internationally, with a reported upsurge in violence against white farmers. Last year, some 82 people were killed in a record 423 farm attacks, and there have been 109 attacks and more than 15 murders in 2018, Afriforum, a South African civil rights group reported in March.


It’s an open, violent genocide.

Gangs of blacks run up on farms and just slaughter entire families. You can Google the gore pics. I won’t post them here.

Lauren Southern did some videos on this.

Australian news has done some surprisingly accurate reports on it.

And Red Ice has covered it.

But most people in the world are literally completely unaware of what is happening in South Africa.

And there is no call for them to be given refuge in any white country (excluding Australia).

Meanwhile, Europe in the last three years has brought in untold numbers of nonwhites, almost none of which come from warzones let alone are a minority population being targeted for genocide by a majority ruling population in the way white South Africans are.

In Fact

Bringing exposure to the situation of white South Africans not only sheds light on what black people do to whites when they take control of a country, but it also shows that the mass “refugee” program in the West has nothing to do with “stopping suffering,” and everything to do with displacing white populations.

If race does not exist, then there is no population on the planet more deserving of refuge than white South Africans.

So if we are skipping white South Africans in favor of brown people from whatever random country, then we are admitting that race does exist and that we are selecting refugees based on their race.

That is the fact.