Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
November 4, 2014

A new law which will be finalized by the Obama administration in December will allow the Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) to chase down any areas which are ‘too White’ and force them to bring in non-Whites.
To do this, HUD will be mapping every US ZIP code, neighborhood, and block by its majority racial group. The data would then be used to force “White suburbs” to change their zoning laws.
New York Post explains zoning laws would be changed so that cheap housing would be built “to bring more low-income minorities into ‘white suburbs’.”
White areas are being chased down as part of the government’s goal to eliminate “racial segregation”, but you will not hear about this law in your mainstream media – this law is not meant to be headline news.
White Genocide is not alone carried out by bringing millions of non-White immigrants in White countries, because those non-Whites tend to stick to the cities, while White people move out into the suburbs and towns.
So, these anti-Whites in power make laws – or sometimes break laws – which forbids any area from being ‘too White’.
This law for example, while its goal is supposedly to end “racial segregation“, it specifically targets White areas for ‘diversity’ whether they want it or not.
That’s because ‘diversity‘ is just a code word for White genocide.