White Supremacist Who Threatened Jewish Centers Finally Caught – Shockingly, He’s a Nigger

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 3, 2017

The psychopathic white supremacist and Neo-Nazi being hunted for having threatened Jew centers has been caught.

Shockingly, he’s a nigger.

He hoaxed these calls as part of some weird scheme to harass his white ex-girlfriend.

New York Times:

The federal authorities have charged a St. Louis man with making more than half a dozen bomb threats against Jewish community centers, schools and a Jewish history museum, an unsealed court document shows.

The man, Juan Thompson, made some of the threats in his own name and others in the name of a former girlfriend, apparently in an attempt to intimidate her, according to a federal complaint filed by the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan and unsealed on Friday.

The complaint does not indicate that Mr. Thompson is believed to be responsible for the many other threats that have been made against Jewish groups around the country.

In one threat, made on Feb. 1 against a Jewish school in Farmington Hills, Mich., the complaint said, Mr. Thompson claimed that he had placed two bombs in the school and was “eager for Jewish newton,” an apparent reference to the December 2012 school massacre in Newtown, Conn., in which a gunman killed 20 students and six school employees.

The funky monkey was also a fake news journalist.

Over at Raw Story, they’re apologizing because he used to work for them, lel:

The FBI arrested 31-year-old Juan Thompson, of St. Louis, in connection with at least eight threats against Jewish community centers, including some in the New York City area, as part of what federal prosecutors called a “campaign to harass and intimidate” a woman after a breakup.

Investigators consider Thompson a “copycat” and said his arrest was not connected to the wider series of threats made in recent months.

He allegedly made some of the threats in his own name and others in the victim’s name, and investigators also said Thompson sent hoax faxes to the woman’s employer last year detailing claims about her alleged anti-Semitic statements on social media.

Thompson complained last week on his Twitter feed that he was being investigated by the Secret Service and FBI for the bomb threats, which he blamed on a former romantic partner who he claimed was trying to frame him.

Thompson was revealed as a serial fabulist in February 2016 after The Intercept added editor’s notes to five of his prior stories, including a retraction of an article that included bogus quotes attributed to a cousin of white supremacist Dylann Roof.

That article quoted the nonexistent cousin, “Scott Roof,” who speculated the white supremacist had killed nine black churchgoers in South Carolina because a woman had rejected him for a black man.

Those claims were cited in other media reports afterward.

Thompson worked as a Raw Story editor for two weeks prior to the revelations about his previous work at The Intercept.

Okay, so, um…

Weird story.

As we’ve said, the Jews most likely are behind the majority of these bomb hoaxes. There have been close to 100 so far. This guy did “more than half a dozen” – so I guess like, 8 or 9?

He was a copycat.

Someone started doing it and then this guy copied. He did it to harass a former girlfriend – by giving the Jews he was threatening her name, typical retarded nigger behavior – after having seen it in the media.

The original calls were almost certainly done by Jews. They were fishing for a copycat patsy, but they wanted some white guy who reads “neo-Nazi websites.” Instead they got some goofy black fake news hoaxer.

I think now, the calls will probably stop. Trump already called the Jews out for hoaxing these calls, and then now they have this patsy, so they can just drop it. No one will be caught, but they will continue to bring it up nonstop when talking about how horrible their sufferink is.