White Teacher Beaten Unconscious at School by Orc-Mother and Ogre-Daughter

Daily Mail
April 19, 2015

Why are our people being forced to teach these brute savages? Look what they do to us.

A middle school teacher is recovering in hospital in New York after being viciously assaulted by one of her student’s mothers and the woman’s 14-year-old niece.

The incident occurred Wednesday afternoon at Alverta B. Gray Schultz Middle School in Hempstead.

Police say the parent, Annika McKenzie, 34, walked into the building without being cleared by security and waited in the hallway for her daughter’s math teacher, Catherine Engelhardt.

McKenzie believed Engelhardt had ‘put her hands’ on her 12-year-old daughter earlier in the day, according to ABC 7.

Just look at this beast, it does not even look remotely human, let alone capable of being educated.

Engelhardt refused to speak with McKenzie, telling her to first get a security pass.

A fight then ensued.

Authorities say the teacher was shoved against the wall, placed in a headlock and thrown to the floor.

Several students also became involved in the attack, including McKenzie’s 14-year-old niece.

Another teacher was able to break up the melee and attend to Engelhardt.

She was unconscious for several minutes and rushed to Winthrop University Hospital.

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