White Teacher Threatened with Rape by Black Pupil was Hit with Disciplinary Charges

NY Daily News
September 26, 2015

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A Long Island high school teacher who was threatened with sexual assault by a student claims in a new lawsuit that she was retaliated against by school officials in Hempstead for reporting the vile threat to authorities.

Lynne Albuquerque, a science teacher, alleged the backlash was racially motivated because she is white.

The student and the school officials are black.

The student, identified in the suit only by his initials “N.L.,” allegedly threatened Albuquerque in the classroom on May 9, 2014.

“When I get done ramming you, I’m gonna bag your daughter, then ram the bitch through the whole gang,” N.L. said, according to the suit filed in Brooklyn Federal Court.

Albuquerque notified the school district, the police and the Nassau County district attorney’s office.

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