White Teen Suddenly Surrounded by Blacks and Then Shot in The Head

Wish TV
January 30, 2014

R.I.P Kyle.

He was in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

That’s what investigators say about the night 19-year-old Kyle Jobin of McCordsville was shot and killed outside a Lawrence gas station.

“Part of us died that night, too,” said Kyle’s dad, Joe. “He was everything to me.”

Joe Jobin and his wife Cyndi sit in their McCordsville home Wednesday night, reliving the night of Jan. 4.

Their youngest son Kyle was home on Christmas break from Vincennes University.

“It was the last part of the week, and there was a big snow storm coming,” recalled Joe Jobin. “I said Kyle, if you want to go hang out, you’ll want to do it tonight. You’ll want to be here tomorrow, because we’ll be snowed in.”

“We said ‘love you,’ and he went to spend the night at a friend’s.”

Jobin says it was 3:30 a.m., when they were awoken by a knock at the door.

“Being a service member, you hear different stories about having that call to your door. I opened up that door and I could remember my eyes going from law officer, to law officer, to chaplain. When I saw that chaplain, I knew it. Something very, very drastic had happened,” Jobin said, a retired Air Force vet.

“We jumped in the car as fast as we could, and we rushed to the hospital to spend what last little time we had with him, Luckily we had a little time. I’m not sure if he was really with us, but we got to hold his hand,” said Jobin, emotionally. “It was a terrible night and one I’ll never forget.”

Police say Kyle had gone from his friend’s house around 2:30 a.m., to get a pack of cigarettes from the Marathon gas station at 7013 E. 56th St.

Investigators say a witness saw four black men surround his car, after he came out with his cigarettes: they were knocking on windows and doors, trying to get in the car.

The witness ran to get police: when they came back, Kyle was slumped over the wheel, with a gunshot wound to the head.

His ID and debit card were still in his hand.

He was rushed to the hospital, where his parents say he died the next day.

His mom says he was able to donate a kidney to someone else, before they took him off life support.

“Part of us died that night too. It wasn’t just Kyle. Part of us died too,” said Joe Jobin.

“It’s so very hard, because Kyle never hurt anybody his whole life,” said Cyndi, his mother. “It felt like, why would they pick him? Why would they pick anybody?”

Stock Picture. People like this do not need a reason to pick on White people, it is their most basic instinct to lash out violently at anyone they perceive as having something they do not, especially if that is White skin.  If they cannot have it for themselves, then they wish to destroy it. It would not have mattered to them if Kyle was an Anti-Racist or a White Separatist. All that mattered to them was that he was White.

Kyle was in his sophomore year at Vincennes, studying to be a land survey manager.

His dad says he was just starting to discuss whether he wanted to graduate in two years, or go on to a four year degree.

He loved being outside at the family’s cabin with his family, and playing video games.

“He was my smile. He would be the person to give me heck and then turn around and give his 100 percent effort to help me out with whatever I was doing,” said Joe Jobin. “He was a great, great boy. He had a bright, bright future ahead of him.”

Jobin says the toughest part so far in his journey of grief, was when they went to Vincennes to pick up Kyle’s belongings.

“Folded clothes. Everything was neat, and hung up,” said Jobin. “It shows you that, we did something right. I really wish I had more opportunities to share in what he could have become.”

Detectives at the Lawrence Police Department say they’ve now exhausted all leads, and are hoping someone from the public comes forward with information.

The Jobin family hopes the same.

“There has to be a heart there, there has to be a soul. There has to be something, in one of you, that wants to make this right; to clear your soul, to help bring some resolution,” said Joe Jobin.

“I don’t want any other parent to have that knock on that door at 3:30 in the morning,” he added.

Lawrence detectives say they’re looking for four black men, one wearing a maroon sweatshirt, who got out of a white SUV, possibly a Ford Expedition.

If you know anything about this night, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously at 262-TIPS. You can also text “Indycs” and tip to 274637 (Crimes).

The Jobin family has started a scholarship at Vincennes in honor of Kyle.

They’ve also planned a candlelight vigil at the Marathon gas station where Kyle was shot, for this Friday.

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