White Tourists Stabbed-Up by ISIS at Egyptian Resort

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2016

Blood stains near the entrance to Bella Vista Hotel in the Red Sea resort of Hurghada, Egypt, January 9, 2016
Blood stains near the entrance to Bella Vista Hotel in the Red Sea resort of Hurghada, Egypt, January 9, 2016

Guys, don’t go to the beach in Egypt. Just take the extra hours and goto Thailand (just as cheap) or pay the extra shekels and go to Spain or Greece (much better to keep the tourist-dollars White).

I mean. I guess it’s one thing if you want to see the Pyramids. But that is something that should be a boys only trip, and you shouldn’t bring old people.

Anyway, these people – like most who go to Egypt on vacation – were just going for the beach.

It’s just dumb.

The Independent:

Three tourists stabbed by suspected Isis terrorists at an Egyptian beach resort are being treated for their injuries after the second attack on hotels in the country in two days.

Two Austrians and a Swede were wounded by two men stormed the beachside Bella Vista hotel in Hurghada on Friday night, reportedly raising an Isis flag.

Renata and Wilhelm Weisslein, both 72, and Sammie Olovsson, 27, were not seriously wounded and are in a stable condition.

Security officials told the Reuters news agency that the assailants were also armed with a gun and explosives belt but were shot by police who repelled the assault.

A hotel manager said the planned suicide bomber was dragging a female tourist into the hotel’s lobby, holding a knife to her neck, when he was shot.

He died at the scene but the second man was wounded and detained at the four-star Red Sea resort.

Sources told the BBC their aim was to kidnap tourists, while hotel staff said the attackers approached from the beach.

Initial reports said the men had opened fire and there were multiple accounts of hearing gunshots but the Egyptian interior ministry said they carried only knives and “pellet guns”.