Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 8, 2015

Currently, we as a race are being genocided. As such, I don’t feel we should be bickering.
Sometimes, people get offended by articles on this site. This week, one I wrote about Anglos offended both Anglos and non-Anglos, and I wrote about the biological inclination of women to mate with Arabs who are seen as dominating, and was accused of justifying this behavior. Today, Ben wrote about Aldous Huxley, and offended many conspiracy theorists. Over the last couple weeks, some disagreed with Michael’s strategy of trolling that towelhead woman, just as some had disagreed with the strategy of trolling Berger. A bunch of people complain that I am too supportive of Putin or Le Pen or whoever.
Criticism is fine, and it usually is mostly criticism. I believe people have a right to express their opinions, if they can remain civil. I don’t expect people to agree with everything I say, and with the article on Anglos, I wrote something which I should have figured beforehand would be unnecessarily divisive.
For me, the idea of getting people agree with exactly everything I believe strikes me as nutty, and it is not one of my goals. We all need to understand that it will probably never happen, ever in our lives, that we meet someone with whom we agree on every single issue. Unless you join a cult. Running this site, however, I have a responsibility to avoid things which cause unnecessary division, but I’m not always going to be perfect.
What I want to point out is that disagreeing about things should never get in the way of White Unity. Because this is the thing we need most.
This is not just about the Daily Stormer. It is something I practice myself. I refuse to attack anyone who identifies as pro-White, even people such as Jared Taylor who refuse to address Jews. I simply see no benefit in it. I can criticize them, if they say something I disagree with, but I don’t believe it is appropriate to deny that they have a place in working to fix things. Taylor wakes people up to the race issue, and I seriously doubt that anyone who is aware of the Jew issue hears him and is like “wow, I guess I should quit talking about Jews.”

Last year, I wrote a piece called “Infinite DramaQuest” about ongoing infighting, and I believe this had an effect. People seem to be doing it much less now, and for this I am thankful, and proud to have played a part in demonstrating how dumb it is.
Besides the issue of personalities clashing with one another, there is also an issue of people trolling each other in the comments sections of every pro-White site in a way that is wholly unhelpful. This is often related to religion, and it is silly.

What we need to understand is that not only do Jews not attack one another, no one on the left does. I’m sure they do it sometimes, but it is very rare. They understand they have a shared agenda, despite whatever details, and so they focus all of their rage on the enemy. We must learn to do the same.
Things That are Not Okay
This week I also got this comment on an article I wrote about Bill Nye the Science Guy denying the existence of race:
With this post Andre clearly shows us that he’s a tool (or worse psyop) being used by his so called enemy “the Jews”.
Ask yourselves this question: What is the most important notion that “the Jews” need everybody to believe?
Answers: That race exist and that one race is superior to another (i.e. the “Jews” are superior and the chosen one). Without our belief of race, they (the “Jews” would lose all power and legitimacy over their fictitious claims of being “chosen”.
Jew is not a race it’s a religion; a dangerous mind f*ck.
Only one race: the human race. All the rest is cultural differences. Yes there are big differences in cultural traits, and yes this can cause serious social difficulties, but NO this is not a question of genetics or even problems of phenotype (i.e. the superficial manifestation of genes).
Andre cannot see that he is playing in the hands of the “Jews” by fully supporting their racial agenda.
Either Andre is a tool or he knows what he is doing…
The real fight is not race, but emancipation of mental slavery and this includes being brainwashed by ALL forms of political and social agendas.
Fear will always hold you back… No matter how you justify it!
Presumably, the vast majority of all readers disagree with this, and I believe this is the type of sentiment that needs fought against. This is not only objectively wrong – Whites alone pioneered race theory and Jews alone pushed “race does not exist” – it is completely incompatible with working towards any type of solution to anything at all.
This is something, then, that we can say is not okay. Holding such a position as this removes any room for common ground. This is something categorically different than what religion you have or what your opinions on various politicians are.
You Don’t Have to Like Me or Anyone Else
What we are doing is not about being friends and liking each other. If you don’t like me, or some other pro-White figure, that’s fine. Don’t like them. Don’t go to their website, don’t share their website with your friends. There are plenty of people involved who I don’t personally like, and whose websites I don’t recommend to people. That’s the way it goes.
But there is no need to attack. That is simply foolish. Comments sections are now often getting out of control with attacks on various people, and I am considering simply shutting them down. It is one thing to attack me and my people on the site, but to begin attacking others who are working in the White cause on my site is really unacceptable. That pulls me into the whole ordeal, and as I have said, I’ve no interest in any of it.
I understand that the internet breeds anger. I believe this is due to the tendency to completely misunderstand where people are coming from, due to the written word being a relatively low form of human communication when it comes to emotional content. So we all need to be aware of it, and take heed.

I created the second biggest White Nationalist website in the world (SF is number one and always will be) by continually saying what I believed to be true, and surrounding myself with people who agreed. As the longtime reader is aware, there are people I used to associate with and then broke-off from because they refused to stop focusing on attacking others working for the cause. These people now have few followers because people are much more interested in goal-oriented operations than those which are drama-based.
So, I ask you, please ask yourself what it is you want, and if what you want is for the White race to continue, stop attacking others with the same goal. If you see someone saying something you don’t like, ask yourself if there is something you can positively contribute to the discussion in a civil manner before you start typing up a comment. If there isn’t, and you are just posting to negatively contribute, then don’t post at all. I am sure there are other places where your energy can better be spent than by creating drama among people you agree with on 95% of the issues.
Learn to agree to disagree.