White Waiter Needs Stitches After Black Customer Glasses Him

March 25, 2014

You can clearly see the fear in Terry Davis’ eyes after an unexpected outburst of Black violence left him needing stitches.

Police say an Anderson woman has been charged after she threw a glass dish at her server, injuring him.

Investigators said it happened at the O’Charley’s on Clemson Boulevard around 2 p.m. Thursday.

Police said the server, Terry Davis, reported that customer Brittany  Williams was very disrespectful toward him. He told Williams he was going to get a manager to speak to her.  Davis said that’s when Williams got up, started cursing at him and threw a glass dish at his face.

“All I could remember is this salad plate come flying in the air and she slung it like a Frisbee – hit me right there.  And I had credit cards and receipts in my hand and I remember falling down on the floor.  It just dumbfounded me,” said Davis.

Davis was treated by EMS for cuts on his face and arm.  Investigators said Davis had to go to a hospital to get stitches to close his wounds.

“He (the doctor) kept examining me and he said you’re lucky you turned around when you did because if she would have hit the right place I could have had brain damage,” said Davis.

Brittany Lasha Williams came up with the usual defence, ‘he said something racist’.

Witnesses also told officers that Williams appeared angry as soon as she walked into the restaurant, and was very rude to Davis.

News 4 tried calling Williams, but was hung up on.

Investigators said Williams admitted she threw her bowl of food at  Davis, claiming he was disrespecting her, but said she did not mean to hit him in the face.

Davis also told News 4 that Williams accused him of being racist.

He said, “I have no right to judge anyone or be prejudiced against anyone and I don’t like people to say that I am, because I am not what way.”

Williams has been charged with second-degree assault and battery.

Police said Williams was released on a personal recognizance bond.