White Woman Abused by Arrogant Moslem Invader for Resting Her Feet on a Train

Daily Mail
September 14, 2015

Ruby Butler was verbally abused by the Moslem for resting her feet on a train seat.

One man got more than he bargained for when he told a woman that she should not rest her feet on an underground train seat.

Footage of the heated argument has taken social media by storm and has received more than 500,000 views, since Ruby Butler, 27, posted it on Facebook earlier this week.

Ms Butler, who was at the centre of the dispute, captioned the video: ‘So on my way home today on the train I got abused…for having my feet on the chair.’

The film shows the debate began after a Muslim man approached Ms Butler and said: ‘I cannot sit there. I cannot pray with my clothes on, OK? And I travel every day.’

Despite the efforts of a young man to calm the situation down, the argument continued to escalate, with the agitated man telling the woman that she should ‘be in prison.’

The ugly old man in his pyjamas threatened to call the police, claiming he had a right to tell White women what to do because he was born in the country.

However, the mother of two from Surrey was not the only person to fight back against the elderly Muslim man.

Another male passenger is heard to say: ‘This is England bruv.’

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