White Woman and Black Husband Arrested for Incest Rape of 16-Year-Old Female

My Fox Memphis
February 24, 2015

Jennifer Campbell witnessed the abuse and did nothing about it.

37 year old Andre Campbell is sitting in jail on charges of Aggravated Sexual Battery, Incest and Rape of a teenage family member.

The 16-year old reported to an agent at Lakeside Behavioral Health Campbell repeatedly sexually abused her since second grade.

According to the police affidavit, the teen was taken to 3 different motels with the latest incident taking place at the Key Motel located at 661 Lester. The teen told police on December 15, 2014 she was taken to the Pleasure Inn at 665 Lester where she was ordered by Campbell to take a shower; he then entered the shower and raped her. Campbell threatened to hurt the victim if she told anyone.

The victim was taken to the Rape Crisis Center where a rape kit was collected. While at the Rape Crisis Center, the victim received a call from Campbell telling her to refuse the test.

The victim had injuries to her neck and face from being grabbed and choked by Campbell because she did not want to engage in sexual relations him.

Police say, Campbell’s wife, Jennifer Campbell, was present during this incident and witnessed the abuse. She made the comment to the victim, “See, now you know how it feels.” Jennifer Campbell continued to give her husband access to the victim with the knowledge of him sexually assaulting and injuring the 16-year old.

She is in jail charged with Child Abuse and Neglect and Failure to Report Child Abuse.

Andre Campbell is in jail on a $250 thousand dollar bond and Jennifer Campbell’s bond is set at $100 dollars.

Andre Campbell has been charged with Aggravated Sexual Battery, Incest and Rape of a teenage family member.