White Woman Beaten and Robbed by Blacks for Being Bosnian

St Louis CBS Local
December 8, 2014

St. Louis police are investigating an alleged hate crime in the Bevo neighborhood early this morning that left a 26-year-old woman beaten.

According to a police report, at about 5:30 a.m., a Bosnian woman was driving on the 4600 block of Lansdowne when three black males in their late-teens to early-20s stepped in front of her vehicle.

When the woman tried to drive around them, the suspects reportedly pulled out a firearm, so she stopped the car.

After hitting her windshield with a crowbar, the suspects pulled the woman from her car, threw her on the ground and kicked her.

A suspect grabbed her purse, searched it, and told the others it was empty. All three suspects then fled the scene.

Police say the woman said she thought the crime was racially motivated because the suspects asked her if she was Bosnian.

Just last week a Bosnian man named Zemir Begic was beaten to death with a hammer in the same area.

Slay responds

“This has all the appearances of a hate crime based on the information that we have,” St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay responds. “The fact that they did suggest that she was a Bosnian – she was a Bosnian lady. We’ve already turned this over to the FBI.”

Slay says he has been meeting with the Bosnian community already to discuss their concerns about safety – this after the hammer attack that killed a 32-year-old man in the Bosnian neighborhood earlier this week.

Bevo neighborhood

KMOX is speaking with residents of the Bevo neighborhood, following a week of shootings and murder, about what is causing all the violence.

Resident Michael Tallie says he thinks much of it is racially motivated.

“I would have to say so. I think it’s just blacks taking there aggression out on anybody that’s white,” he says. “It’s bad, it’s messed up, I hate it.”

When asked if white people should be scared, Tallie replied “everyone should be scared.”
