White Woman Beaten Senseless by Black Boyfriend Speaks About Domestic Violence Yet Totally Ignores Race

Stoke Sentinel
February 6, 2015

Gemma Holland was still telling her pet that she loved him while he was battering her senseless. But instead of warning people against allowing wild beasts into their home, she is trying to pretend that domestic violence itself did it to her.

TRAUMATISED Gemma Holland has told how she feared she was going to die after being battered by the father of her four children.

The 29-year-old suffered a broken back, a black eye and severe bruising after being attacked by former boyfriend Dallas Mpala following a chance meeting at her Norton home.

She had split from Mpala back in 2009 and moved house after he was jailed for two years for whipping her with a belt and kicking and punching her.

Now Gemma – who claims the verbal and physical threats started in 2005 – is urging domestic violence victims to get out of their abusive relationships immediately.

She said: “If there are any women going through what I suffered then they need to leave straight away and not look back.”

Mother-of-four Gemma has spoken out after seeing Mpala jailed for three years following the latest attack.

The parents had bumped into each other at a children’s party last April.

What did she expect it was going to do? She will probably end up getting back together with Dallas Mpala once he is released from prison, since she is still feeding his hell spawn.

She said: “I was at a friend’s house and he had been invited to the same children’s party. He just went mad at me right in front of everyone and I had to get away.

“That night he turned up at my house with a bottle of wine, saying he was sorry and had nowhere to stay, so I let him in, and I took pity on him and said he could stay on the sofa.

“I went to bed and left him to it, and that’s when he attacked me.”

Gemma is now trying to look Black herself.

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