White Woman Beaten Stabbed and Raped by Black Intruder

NBC Chicago
September 1, 2015

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The woman’s father described the horrific Black attack on his daughter for the camera.

A woman was beaten, stabbed and sexually assaulted by an intruder in a home in suburban Willowbrook Saturday afternoon.

The woman, who is 26 years old, was pulling her car into the driveway of her parents’ home in the 700 block of 73rd Court at about 1 p.m. when a dark brown or dark blue older model Nissan Altima followed her into the driveway, Willowbrook police said.

A man then got out of the car and asked the woman for money. She refused and went inside the house. The man then began knocking on the side door of the home and asking to make a phone call. When she refused again, he forced his way inside the house, police said.

Nobody else was home at the time of the incident.

Inside the home, the man stabbed the woman multiple times with an unknown sharp object, according to police. The victim’s family told NBC Chicago she was beaten “like an animal,” stabbed 16 to 18 times and sexually assaulted.

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The suspect is as usual a Black.

When the offender left, the woman was able to run to a neighbor’s home and call police.

The woman remained hospitalized overnight with broken bones in her face and multiple stab wounds in her throat, face, torso, abdomen and back, her father said. On Sunday, police said she was alert and cooperative, providing investigators with details about the attack.

“This is something you never want to see,” the woman’s father said. “No human being should ever be treated like this.”

The suspect is described as an African-American man in his 30s, standing about 5-foot-10-inches and weighing 160 to 180 pounds. He was wearing a blue short-sleeve shirt and dark-colored khaki shorts and white socks.