White Woman Begs Parole Board to Keep Brutal Black Rapist Locked-Up

February 19, 2015

Sarah Scott is still struggling to come to terms with her attack.

A rape victim’s harrowing account of her ordeal at the hands of a brutal attacker has kept him behind bars.

Young mum Sarah Scott wrote to the parole board telling them in heartbreaking detail of the impact the rape had on her.

She was moved to intervene when she learned Adrian Ruddock would get a parole hearing less than halfway through his eight-year sentence.

And she was determined to take on the system to ensure he was not freed – begging the parole board to keep him locked up.

Finally, a week after the fourth anniversary of the brutal rape, she discovered 42-year-old Ruddock’s plea for early release had been rejected.

Sarah, 23, was only 19 when Ruddock lured her to his Aberdeen flat and raped her, leaving her bloodied and battered.

In the wake of the attack, she twice attempted suicide.

She went on to waive her rights to anonymity to campaign for the rights of victims,reports the Daily Record.

Evil rapist Adrian Ruddock will now stay behind bars.

In her letter, Sarah said that following the rape she became “a broken shell of the vibrant woman” she used to be.

She stated: “Initially, after the assault, I was in a state of shock. My body was bruised, cut and torn open from head to toe.

“These physical wounds healed but my mind did not.

The marks on Sarah’s body after the attack.

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