White Woman Bites Chunk Out of Non-White Rapist’s Tongue and Gets Him Jailed with It

February 6, 2015

Brave Adele Barber bit a chunk out of her non-White attacker’s tongue, in order to get a DNA identification with it.

A woman bit off her sex attacker’s tongue to ensure she got enough DNA to get him convicted.

Adele Barber, who was raped around ten years before this incident, revealed her extraordinary story on This Morning.

Discussing what was going through her head as he assaulted her, she said: “I thought ‘I will bite down as hard as I can, catch as much DNA as I can, show it wasn’t consensual and cause as much pain as possible’.”

Black, Paki, Arab, what is it? Does Ferdinand Manila even know himself?

The brave woman was walking through an alley at 5pm one afternoon when a man brushed past her.

She thought nothing of it until she could hear him running behind her and pushed her against a fence.

When he put his tongue in her mouth, she bit down as hard as she could, taking off the tip off his tongue.

Adele says her attacker appeared to enjoy the pain, so she continued to claw at his face in order to get more DNA.

Adele Barber spoke about the attack on morning television.
Adele Barber spoke about the attack on morning television.

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