White Woman Car Jacked and Bitten by Black Brat with a Knife

My Fox Detroit
August 21, 2014

Alex was attacked by Black brats when she came out from the library.

School is just around the corner and rather than brushing up on some history, one child made some of his own.

Late last week, 24-year-old Alex spent a couple hours at the Livonia Civic Center library.

“When I walked into the library I saw someone on their phone when I was walking in,” she says. “I didn’t think anything of it.”

When she walked out, she noticed the same kid again.

“As I approached my car, I felt a tap on my shoulder,” Alex says. “They said give me your keys, and I thought it was a joke.”

One of them had a knife and the other one jumped on her and bit the car keys right out of her hand.

Alex saw a younger black boy holding a kitchen knife.

“He was right behind me, and I said, ‘No,” she says. “I had my laptop bag and I turned around and hit him in the face with it. … When he got hit in the side of the head, he stepped back, dropped the knife and I repeatedly swung my bag at him.”

Alex says she fell backwards on the curb, and that the boy got on top of her and he bit the keys out of her left hand. She started screaming for help but the suspect fled in her 2009 black Saturn Vue.