White Woman Dies After Savaging by Black Husband’s Rottweilers

Daily Mail
September 24, 2015

Elizabeth Claire Wright was visiting the Negro in his homeland when she was attacked by the dogs.

A British woman has died while on holiday in Kenya, after being viciously attacked by three Rottweilers.

The woman, named as Elizabeth Claire Wright, 55, was visiting her Kenyan husband’s seaside home when she was savaged by the dogs.

Known to her friends as Liz, Ms Wright was staying with her 31-year-old husband Fred Karisa at his home in the village of Watamu, on the Indian Ocean coast.

It is believed Ms Wright, a teaching administrator from Horsham, in Surrey, heard the dogs barking and freed them from their cage to feed them on August 18.

But instead the aggressive dogs turned on her.

Ms Wright was killed by the dogs when she was on holiday at her husband’s home in the seaside village of Watamu (pictured), on the Indian Ocean coast.
The Negro was not keeping the dogs as pets, but was keeping them in a cage.

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