White Woman Fights to Keep Black Murderer of Her Sister in Prison

July 31, 2014

Kimberly Sipe was killed by her Black ex-boyfriend.

A man responsible for a murder 16 years ago was about to get out of prison, and Amanda Jones said she wasn’t even notified.

Now, after some pushback, there may be a chance her family could keep him in prison.

“I remember everything with absolute detail like it was yesterday,” Jones said.

Sixteen years ago, her sister, Kimberly Sipe, 24, disappeared just six days after giving birth to a little girl.

Six days later,her family got the news that Sipe’s body was found in the Licking River.

“All I can remember is just everybody hitting the floor and everybody crying,” Jones said.

For Jones and her family, the nightmare continued. Sipe’s ex-boyfriend Reggie Graves was convicted of her murder.

“As soon as I saw that post on Facebook, everything I remember from that time came back like it was now,” Jones said.

Reggie Graves was convicted of her murder, but he has been put up for parole already after only serving 16 years of his 50 year sentence.

Jones said the Facebook post said Graves was scheduled to be released on parole on Sept. 1.

She said her family wasn’t notified because the parole board didn’t have their contact information.

“I felt so sick to my stomach, just to think about what I would do if I walked down the street and ran into him,” Jones said.

The department of corrections said the error wasn’t made on behalf of the Kentucky parole board but rather staff members who transferred paperwork to electronic files during a computer switch.

Jones said relief came a day later when said she got word that the parole board chair will ask the full board on Monday to consider her family’s request that another hearing be held so they can have a say.

In the meantime, she’s collecting letters of support, in hopes of keeping the man who killed her sister behind bars.

“I’m scared to death of Reggie and so is everybody else,” Jones said.

Jones said Graves has served 16 years of his 50-year sentence for murder.