White Woman Hijacks the Mic at Islam Rally in Texas

Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

The fact that we are having Islam rallies in Texas is beyond the pale. Why is this happening? Who wants it to happen?


A small group of vitriolic hecklers and overt suspicion from one lawmaker greeted hundreds of Muslims who rallied Thursday during their biennial Texas Capitol lobbying day — the first time the event has drawn protesters.

As the Council on American-Islamic Relations opened the gathering on the Capitol steps, protester Christine Weick, who had been posing as a participant, grabbed the microphone.

“Islam will never dominate in the United States,” the 50-year-old from Michigan said, “and by the grace of God it will not dominate Texas!”

The microphone was quickly wrestled back and a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper led her back to the crowd. But throughout the hourlong rally, about two-dozen protesters chanted things like, “No Sharia here,” ”One God,” and “Remember 9/11” while holding posters and flags.

Ironically – or not – these anti-Moslem Christian protesters are also supporters of the filthy Jew rats who brought all of these monkeys into our country.

But the problem there is that they don’t understand the issue, and literally no one is telling them that the Jews did it. Instead of attacking these people, we need our people in there explaining to them that the Jews are responsible for this.