White Woman Jumped, Beaten and Robbed by Black Thugs

June 20, 2014

Luckily for the victim a man appeared and scared the Black thugs away.

A woman walking alone at the dinner hour was jumped, beaten and robbed just around the corner from string of popular restaurants in Oakland’s Temescal District Monday.

Neighbors say the attack at 48th Street and Shattuck has become symptomatic of a growing crime problem in the area.

Lucky for the victim a man walking to his car with his daughter saw the attack and scared the suspects off.

Mark Sommer told KTVU, “The first thing I did was to shout as powerfully as I could… ‘No! Stop! Get Away!’”

His daughter, Maya, said she saw two people huddling over the victim, throwing fists at her.

Mark Sommer said years ago he witnessed a similar attack and had said nothing out of fear for his own safety, but Monday night he found the courage to speak up.

“What if it had been my daughter? So I really feel glad that this time I didn’t withhold,” he said.

Two feral Blacks were huddled over her, throwing punches at her when the man and his daughter managed to scare them away.

The two robbers scared off by Sommer, ran down Shattuck with the woman’s purse and cell phone and jumped into an awaiting car.

One nearby resident, who asked to not be identified, told KTVU thieves have been targeting this same stretch of Shattuck from 46th to 49th Street.

“Three to four times a day we’re seeing people casing cars and breaking in,” they said. “We’re calling it in to the police every time and they are stretched very thin and so they often aren’t able to show up for at least half an hour.”

Walking down the street, KTVU crews found plenty of broken glass.

After Monday’s attack residents, who already had concerns about the rash of car break-ins, say they have new concerns about walking down the street.

“It makes me feel pretty helpless, that they know that they can get away with it,” the same resident said.