White Woman Lets Black Stay with Her and Gets Murdered

Greenville Online
November 6, 2013

misty michelle johnson
Misty Michelle Johnson took pity on the black man and let him into her home. When she asked him to leave, he repaid her kindness by murdering her.

Servers in Greenville’s bars and restaurants are like a community within a community, where everybody knows everybody, and after-hours parties and get-togethers are frequent, according to friends of Misty Michelle Johnson.

Something went wrong after a visit by a fellow server in mid-September at Johnson’s pale-green rental house in a quiet neighborhood just off Interstate 385, police allege.

Samuel Hawkins Jr., has been charged with murder in Johnson’s death, according to a warrant.

Friends say they are relieved, even as they continue to grieve the loss of a vivacious blonde whose fate had been in doubt until her skeletal remains were found and identified last week.

Attorney Grant Varner said his client is innocent, according to The Associated Press. Varner said Hawkins knew he was a suspect for seven weeks and didn’t run away, the AP reported, and he also said his client voluntarily submitted a DNA sample.

Samuel Hawkins Junior arrested for murder.
Samuel Hawkins Junior arrested for murder.

Hawkins, 33, of 12 Central Ave., Greenville, had been “kicked” out of Johnson’s home the morning she was believed missing, Sept. 12, and later drove her car to his home, where it was found, according to an arrest warrant.

Police said they couldn’t give details on how they believe she died out of concern that it could jeopardize the prosecution of the case.

“We interviewed a lot of friends and family of Misty Johnson, Hawkins being one of them,” Greenville police spokesman Jonathan Bragg told The Greenville News.

Hawkins and Johnson both had worked for the Carolina Ale House, according to a company spokesperson.

An attachment to a warrant says Greenville police have statements and other documents from Johnson’s neighbors that Hawkins “was knocking on doors looking for a ride on the morning of 9-12-13.”

Hawkins “stated that he and Johnson got into an argument and Johnson ‘kicked’ him out of her residence,” according to the warrant.

Hawkins left Johnson’s residence walking that morning but was driving her 2003 Ford Explorer the next morning, the warrant says.

A police detective “has documents showing that (Hawkins) was asking” about Johnson’s well-being “while he was in possession of her vehicle,” according to the warrant.

Police have evidence that Hawkins “removed and discarded items of evidence from Johnson’s residence,” according to the warrant.

The vehicle was found across the street from Hawkins’ home two days after she was reported missing, the warrant says.

Hawkins was arrested Monday night at Bailey’s Sports Bar on Laurens Road, said Officer J.D. Bragg, spokesman for the Greenville Police Department.

He was being held in the Greenville County Detention Center, according to a warrant and jail records.

Johnson’s body was found last week on a dead-end road, authorities said.

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