White Woman Overdoses on Drugs She Bought from a Black

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2017

Cleveland D. Spencer, Maryann McKinnon.

You shouldn’t do drugs, and you certainly should not buy, sell, or share drugs with Blacks.


Cleveland D. Spencer, 26, is charged in the death of Maryann McKinnon, 33, who was found unconscious and unresponsive June 2 in her home on Freehold Court in West Milford, according to Passaic County Prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes and West Milford Police Chief Timothy C. Storbeck.

“The subsequent investigation revealed that Mr. Spencer was the individual (who) sold the drugs which were ultimately ingested by Ms. McKinnon, resulting in her death,” the prosecutor and police chief said in a joint statement.

Spencer was arrested Thursday morning in Paterson and held pending a pretrial hearing, Valdes said.