White Woman Preaching Gospel to the Savages Gets Robbed and Shot by Them

January 8, 2015

Maud Kells is said to be recovering well in hospital after being shot by the dangerous wild animals she had been preaching to.

Maud Kells, 75, from Northern Ireland, was hit by two bullets in the shoulder during an armed robbery at her home in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where she has been serving as a midwife.

She suffered no broken bones or irreparable muscle damage and is able to speak and recognise people, according to reports.

Ms Kells was awarded the OBE in the Queen’s New Year Honours for her services to people in DRC after building a school with seven classrooms, a hospital and bridge in a country with little infrastructure after years of war.

Her sister, Margaret Keane said Ms Kells is being well treated by an international medical team following the attack at her home in Mulita.

She said: “She believes it was God calling her, that a light was needed in that part of the country.”

Maud gets groped by one of the creatures.

The selfless missionary, from Cookstown in Co Tyrone, has been in the eastern half of the central African country surrounding Goma, a city previously associated with conflict and rebellion, since 1968.

She previously trained as a nurse in Belfast and has been evacuated from danger in the past, her minister in Northern Ireland said.

The humble Bible teacher has previously had to reconstruct many buildings, including her own house after it was ransacked by rebels who left none of her belongings behind.

What makes anyone think these creatures would be capable of understanding the Bible and the concept of self sacrifice?

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