White Woman Robbed by Gypsies While Onlookers Just Walk Past

Daily Mail
September 14, 2015

The brazen non-White thieves walk straight up to their White victim in daylight and start mugging her.

Stepping up to a cash point in central Paris on Wednesday, a woman is summarily mugged by two teenage Roma gypsies.

Showing no fear or shame, and not even bothering to disguise their identities, they push her away and help themselves to cash before calmly walking away.

The unidentified victim shouts out, and manages to grab one her assailants by her jumper at one point, but is otherwise powerless to stop the assault.

Nobody bothers intervening in a crime that has become an everyday occurrence in the most popular tourist city in the world – one visited by hundreds of thousands of Britons every year.

The shocking pictures are particularly embarrassing to the Paris authorities because they were taken just a few hundred yards from a high-profile trial publicised as a clampdown on the growing menace posed by Roma gangs.

Thousands of tourists were around in one of the busiest cities in the world, yet no-one stopped to help.

The Correctional Court at the city’s Palais de Justice has heard how Romanians Mariana Gandac, 25, and Sandra Baciu, 35 – both known as the ‘Queen of the Thieves’- coordinated thefts which were worth hundreds of thousands of pounds every year.

All took place around historic symbols of France including the Louvre museum, Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, which is just across the Seine River from today’s attack.

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