White Woman Speaks About Non-White Rapists and Growing Up in Care

Birmingham Mail
January 14, 2015

Uplands care home is now being investigated again for offering children to brown-skinned perverts.

Now in her 20s, quietly spoken Paula tells of a lifetime of sickening abuse after growing up in care from the age of one.

She says she was first abused by two Asian taxi drivers, both employed by Birmingham City Council to take to her primary school. Neither faced any subsequent police investigation, despite her mother allegedly raising the alarm with social workers who she says she also told about the abuse.

“I felt guilty, like it was my fault,’’ she said. “And I wondered why no-one was listening when I was telling them.’’

But it was when she was moved to Uplands aged 15 that she says she and another girl were targeted by perverts, who were passing around the number of the public payphone in the home.

Uplands has had a scandal-hit past and in 2003 Brian Gillam, who used to run the care home, was jailed for raping young girls. A court heard social services had failed to act on concerns at the time about the abuse.

The home was also subject of a Mail investigation in 2009. We told how a police officer was stationed at the home after an astonishing 1,600 runaway reports in five years. Most returned within 24 hours, but there were fears then that some may have been being groomed or abused.

Paula was a resident at the time of the police base initiative and says Uplands – which closed in 2011 – was already a dangerous place for young girls when she arrived.

One man called the home one day to speak to another young female resident and Paula and her friend Tina had the misfortune to pick up the phone. She said: “He would just phone the payphone and speak to anyone who was there, then he’d pick them up and take them out. And it was me and Tina who answered once cause we were going to run off anyway because the staff were doing our head in.

“He was in his 30s. He was Asian Pakistani. British-born. I think he used to be a landlord because he took us to the house and it wasn’t in a great state. I can’t remember the name of the road. I know there was a chip shop down the road from it.’’

Staff would not stop girls leaving the home, even at night, she recalled.

Detective Chief Inspector Tom Chisholm, from West Midlands Police’s Public Protection Unit, said: “We have been made aware of a young woman who has been identified as vulnerable, requiring support and the subject of on-going work with local police and health professionals.

“He used to come at night times and the staff never used to stop us.

“That first time with him was about ten o’clock at night. The night staff seen us walking past and they said, ‘Where are you going?’ We said for a fag and they just said, ‘Make sure you close the door’.

“We went to the house and he goes, ‘How old are you?’ and we both said 15. He said, ‘I’m not gonna do anything to you’., and then he ended up having sex with us.

“Afterwards he says, ‘Do you want some money to get something to eat?’ And we said yeah so he give us £20 each and we went and got some food and he went and dropped us off. That happened again with him, two or three times. I don’t know how it stopped, it just fizzled out.’’

Police did become involved, said Paula, when two other Asian men began having sex with her and up to four other Uplands girls after also ringing the payphone.

Paula said: “They used to take us to the park, by the swings, and have sex with us. They were in their early 20s. Asian Pakistani, British-born.

“That lasted pretty much until we all left Uplands. They never took us to a house. They took us to a field by Uplands. We went about twice a week.’’

She recalls a rape allegation being made by one girl against the men, sparking the police investigation which, she claims, came to nothing,

“One girl told staff that she had been raped and the staff phoned the police then and she had to do a video statement and then I had to do a video statement. We went to the police station. I think it was in Moseley somewhere.

‘Paula lived at the controversial home from the age of 15 to 17 and during that time claims she and other girls were targeted by paedophiles, mostly Asian men.’

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