White Woman Stabbed and Strangled to Death by Controlling and Jealous Black Partner

Hull Daily Mail
June 16, 2015

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Christina Spilane was regularly beaten and pimped out by her Black ‘partner’.

MOTHER-of-two Christina Spilane was stabbed and strangled in a Hull hotel room by her “controlling and jealous” partner Deland Allman, a court heard today.

The body of Ms Spilane, 51, also known as Christina Randell, was found in room 231 of the Ibis hotel in Osborne Street, city centre, when staff were carrying out a room check on February 1.

She had been stabbed three times and strangled.

Deland Allman, 52, her long-term partner who had checked into the hotel with Ms Spilane the previous evening, admits killing her but denies murder.

Hull Crown Court heard Mr Allman made Miss Spilane work as a prostitute to feed their drug addiction.

Deland Allman stabbed the White woman three times before finally strangling her to death.

Mr Allman, of Halyard Croft, west Hull, claims his mental health was impaired at the time.

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