White Woman Still Alive After Jealous Black Sow Cuts Live White Baby Out of Her Stomach and Steals It

CBS Local
March 21, 2015

Michelle Wilkins just thought she was going to buy some baby clothes, but instead, a Negress stabbed her in the stomach and ripped out her live baby.

The family of a woman who was attacked and lost her baby in a bizarre and gruesome crime says she is in critical but stable condition at Longmont United Hospital.

Michelle Wilkins, 26, was critically wounded on Wednesday when police say she went to suspect Dynel Lane’s house in Longmont to buy baby clothes Lane has listed for sale on Craigslist.

In the basement of the house, Lane, 34, allegedly stabbed Wilkins and cut her baby out of her stomach and then stole it. Wilkins, who was approximately seven months pregnant, then made a desperate call to 911. Lane was gone before emergency responders arrived.

Dynel Lane tried to pass the White baby off as her own.

According to court documents, Lane’s husband, David Ridley, came home early to take Lane to a pre-natal appointment. Lane had told her husband and others she was pregnant. When he arrived Lane told him she miscarried their child and it was in the bathtub.

Ridley told officers he found the child alive, wrapped it up and took it with Lane to the hospital. The child didn’t survive.

Lane was initially arrested on charges of attempted first degree murder, among other things, but the complete set of charges she eventually will face will likely depend on the autopsy being done on the child.