White Woman Talks of Being Punched Repeatedly in the Face by Father of Her Black Child

August 22, 2014

Kira Pettery is lucky to be alive.

After she said she was punched repeatedly in the face by her ex-boyfriend, an Attica woman is now speaking out about domestic violence.

“I feel scared. I feel very scared,” said 22-year-old Kira Pettery. “I believe that if I wouldn’t have gotten away that night so easily, I believe he could have killed me.”

Pettery said she can’t stop thinking about the night she thought she was going to lose her life. She  met with her ex-boyfriend in Lafayette Monday to talk about their daughter. That’s when she said he got angry and started hitting her.

“As I looked up at him, I had asked him and begged him to stop,” Pettery said. “I begged him to stop and he had a smirk on his face.”

After dating for more than two years, Pettery said this was a new side of the man she once loved.

“He was my best friend, my lover, the father of my child and to take it to this extreme to know that he could physically beat me the way he did and smile with a smirk on his face is very sickening,” she said.

The infant she created with the Black who beat her.

The worst part, she said, is facing her daughter.

“When my daughter looks at me and looks at me like she doesn’t know who I am, that hurts,” Pettery said.

Lafayette police are investigating the case. Police said they couldn’t find the person Pettery says is responsible, but the case has been forwarded to the prosecutor’s office and handed over to a domestic violence investigator for review. She said she wants him arrested as soon as possible.

In the meantime, she has a message for any man or woman in an abusive relationship.

“If it is happening get away, get away because it is a very traumatizing and scary thing. It really is,” she said.

Pettery said it wasn’t the first time he hurt her, but it will be the last. She said there’s one thing getting her through what happened Monday night.

“My daughter. I just look at my daughter and I have to stay strong, wear thick skin and look at her every day and be the woman I know I have to be for her,” Pettery said.