White Woman Tearfully Remembers White Husband Killed by Black for No Reason at Grocery Store

Daily Stormer
March 17, 2015

A human sacrifice on the shrine of multicultural diversity.
A human sacrifice on the shrine of multicultural diversity.  That little girl will never see her daddy again because liberals think the Black right to kill overrides our right to live.

The endless suffering that these people cause us cannot ever really be fully understood in it’s whole scope. Just imagine the lives destroyed because of the African occupation of our base.

There is no end to it.


The wife of an Alabama man gunned down outside a grocery store on Atlanta’s east side said she was expecting anything but the news she got when lawmen showed up at her Hayden home.

Kathy Richey, whose husband Josh Richey was slain during a robbery Tuesday outside a Kroger on Ponce de Leon Avenue, said she had just spoken with her husband an hour before his death. “Nothing like that ever crossed my mind,” Kathy Richey told AL.com.

She lost her 19-year-old son so her first thought went to the 10-year-old daughter she and her husband shared. “I asked if my daughter was Ok because she was at school,” she said. “He said, ‘Your daughter is fine. It’s your husband. Your husband has been murdered.”

Police have said Josh Richey, 38, caught the shooter trying to break into his work truck. He was the superintendent for a construction company. Josh Richey’s co-worker, Jason Shelton, said the two were working at the store when Josh Richey spotted an unknown man inside their pickup truck. Shelton said Josh Richey approached the truck and the man inside shot through the window, hitting him in the chest and killing him. The two suspects then fled the scene.

Shelton said he dropped to the ground to escape harm. “I rolled over, just prayed to God I didn’t get shot,” he told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Shelton said he chased after the getaway vehicle but was unable to get a license tag number. He called 911 and went back to help Joshua Richey, performing CPR.

Atlanta police Lt. Charles Hampton called it a crime of opportunity. Police are looking for a black BMW 3 Series with tinted windows and possibly a dealer drive-out tag that was occupied by two men.

The Kroger Co. announced today a $25,000 reward for leads in the killing. Friends of the family have set up a fund drive online and at Traditions Bank in Hayden. Josh Richey had three children from a previous marriage in addition to his 10-year-old daughter.

Kathy Richey said she is still reeling from her husband’s death. “A good man was taken for no reason,” she said. “My daughter no longer has a father, and I no longer have a husband. It’s tearing our family apart.”

“He was my world,” she said. “I don’t even know how I’m going to make it without him.”

She said the two met 13 years ago at a payphone because Kathy Richey’s phone had died. Josh Richey, who went to high school in Warrior, and one of his friends stopped and the rest, she said, is history. “He told me that night, ‘you’re going to be my wife,”’ she said. “I just laughed.”