White Woman Weeps for Her Dead Son as 4 Stab-Happy Blacks are Sentenced for Killing Him

Free P
December 28, 2014

Michael Hoots was tortured to death and then set fire to by the subhuman beasts.

Quiet weeping could be heard across the courtroom as a mother described the loss of her 24-year-old son, one of three men who died after being stabbed many times and set on fire in a Detroit house.

Surrounded by armed deputies, the four convicted murderers couldn’t see Mary Hoots’ face as she wiped her eyes with tissue and spoke of her son, Michael Hoots of Livonia — a “gentle person” who worked at a local ice arena before he was killed while visiting the house on Feb. 10.

Keeshon Lorenzo Lake, 20, Rashawn Tyrell Johnson, 20, Larry Paul Johnson, 21, and Tenisha Jackson, 19, sat in a row, made to face the judge. They looked ahead, sometimes fidgeting, as the voices behind them also described the losses of Lawrence Bowman, 51, and Nicholas Bowman, 26.

The four received prison sentences ranging from 19-30 years to about 40-70 years Monday after each of them admitted to second-degree murder for the incident on the 13000 block of Bentler on Detroit’s west side. Larry Johnson, the accused ringleader, pleaded guilty to three second-degree murder charges and one felony firearm charge, while the others each pleaded guilty to one charge of second-degree murder.

Top, Tenisha Jackson and Larry Johnson. Bottom, Rashawn Johnson and Keeshon Lake, were all given sentences ranging from 19 to 40 years minimum.

Wayne County Circuit Judge Qiana Lillard said the defendants were caught after using the victims’ cell phones, and it appeared the goal was to steal items for Jackson’s birthday: “An Xbox, some puppies, a car, a bridge card,” Lillard said. “I mean, it’s senseless.”

The puppies, she said, were an afterthought once the gruesome act was complete.

“Forget the three people that you just killed and set on fire, you had to take the puppies to save them,” Lillard said. “It’s despicable. It doesn’t make any sense to me.”

Among the initial charges against some of the defendants were torture, robbery and burning a home, but those were dropped in exchange for pleas. Lawrence Bowman was shot in the head, and all victims were stabbed. Attorneys afterward declined to comment on motive, other than to say that a couple of the defendants knew two of the victims and there appeared to be a dispute.

Lillard chastised the defendants for acting up with each other in court; she had Lake placed in handcuffs. The defendants each stood before the judge, giving a brief statement and an apology before receiving their sentences.