White Woman Whips Armed Nogs with a Belt

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2018

I almost pased by this video because I thought her White roommates were the suspects. If you actually pay attention, you see two nogs leaving the house.

This proves two things:

1) There is nothing better than a good old fashioned negro whipping.
2) Even when it looks like Whites did it, it was probably Blacks.


A Galveston woman had a choice to run or stand her ground when two armed robbers broke into her home.

She decided to take a stand.

In fact, surveillance video shows Kaylee Majka bursting out of her front door and chasing away one of the men with a belt.

She literally whipped one of the crooks out of her home.

“Hit him in the face a couple of times with that little part,” Majka said, referring to the buckle on the belt. “I’m sure it hurt because I wasn’t swinging lightly.”

The video shows one of the robbers breaking through the front door of Majka’s Galveston home around 5:30 Thursday evening. He’s followed by his thieving companion. The commotion awakened Majka, who over the past few days had been fighting the flu.

“The bigger guy had brought my boyfriend to the back room and had the gun to him looking for all the stuff in the back room,” Majka said. “I only saw the little man running towards my door.”

At the same time, Majka’s roommates were returning home. They walked in and immediately were met by one of the robbers running for his life as Majka chased him with the belt.

The other robber — with a weapon in hand — eventually walked out with what appeared to be a backpack. Majka’s boyfriend chased him down the street in his car.

“He said he did hit him one time with the car but then he got back up and ran away and jumped on some sidewalks and stuff,” Majka said. “We didn’t want to get too crazy.”