White Woman Who Pretended to be Black and Ran an NAACP Branch Charged with Welfare Fraud

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 25, 2018

WOW – she really got into character!

(I’m sure someone can think of better jokes than that, but it’s all I’ve got in me rn).

Washington Post:

Former NAACP official Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who posed as African American for years, is now facing charges of welfare fraud after investigators say she illegally received thousands of dollars in public assistance.

Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, is accused of stealing $8,847 in food and child care assistance dating back to August 2015, according to court documents obtained by KHQ-TV. She is charged as “Nkechi Diallo also known as Rachel A. Dolezal” with first-degree theft by welfare fraud, second-degree perjury and false verification for public assistance.

Local reporters who went to her Spokane home seeking comment said she declined to say anything and closed the door.

The investigation into Dolezal began in March of last year when an investigator from the Washington Department of Social and Health Services learned she had written a book that had been published. The investigator did further research into the book’s publisher and discovered “a typical contract would include payments of $10,000 to $20,000 as advances against later royalties,” according to documents.

At this time, Dolezal had been reporting a monthly income of less than $500, which came from child support payments. She resigned from the NAACP in June 2015 when her parents revealed she was actually white, and claimed that since then she had been unemployed and unable to find work, the Spokesman-Review reported.

When asked how she was paying her living expenses, she was quoted in the documents saying, “Barely! With help from friends and gifts.”

But, a review of Dolezal’s self-employment records, which included bank statements, revealed a less dire situation.

In total, between August 2015 and September 2017, Dolezal’s bank statements showed she had deposited nearly $84,000, documents said. Investigators believe the money came from her book, speaking engagements and selling art, soaps and handmade dolls.

In 2017, Dolezal reported a “change of circumstance,” citing a “one-time job” for “speaking and voice overs” she did in October that earned her $20,000, according to documents.

If found guilty, Dolezal could face up to 15 years in prison and could be ordered to pay $8,887 as restitution. She may also be disqualified from receiving food assistance for at least a year, documents said.

She gonna go to prison like a rill nigga too.

You know, I never got what the deal was with her being persecuted for this.

I mean according to the morality of the system, it does not appear as though she did anything wrong.

There is a bigger difference genetically between sexes than there are between races, and a man is allowed to pretend to be a woman and receive all of the institutional benefits and privileges awarded to a woman in our society.

So why would a white person not be allowed to pretend to be a black person?

She even did interviews after she was outed giving the same logical as trannies give – “soul born in the wrong body.”

Furthermore – why was Shaun King not persecuted when the exact same thing happened to him?

His family outed him as faking being black and posted childhood pictures in the same way Dolezal’s family did to her.

And it’s worse, because he’s a FUCKING WHITE MALE… right?

Furthermore, Shaun King is a lot more influential than she is… oh. I guess maybe that’s why he can’t be persecuted. He’s needed to keep the entire BLM movement running, while she was just some irrelevant skank getting easy money by running a local NAACP chapter.

BUT – that still doesn’t explain why, as a rule, any white person isn’t allowed to decide to be black.

Sex and race are both social constructs, our Hebraic overlords have informed us, so why is race not “fluid” in the way sex is “fluid”?

The only explanation is that the entire Jewish system has zero consistent internal logic and everything about it is simply designed to destroy society.

So then I guess they just have the practical reason to not accept “transracialism” because they don’t want a bunch of white guys filling out “black” on school and job applications.

Of course a man can already get female benefits (basically the same as black benefits) by claiming to be a female, but they know that it is personally humiliating to a normal white man to pretend to be a woman, whereas pretending to be black would be trollishly fun.

“I’ll take a free college education where professors are not allowed to fail me and a high-paying job I can’t be fired from, please. Also infinite welfare forever. Also, no one can ever criticize anything I do, ever, and hot white women have to have sex with me or they’re racists. Thanks, you racist white motherfuckers.”


Not directly related, but a sort of interesting thing I don’t think I’ve ever posted before.

It’s a video about a guy who is half Jew and half black who just looks like a total Jew, and is having a hard time convincing people he’s an African.

His name is David Matthews, he’s a screen writer.

He’s not faking it.

His black dad looks like he was pretty mixed. Light-skinned. And Jews are already swarthy, so I can see why people would look at this guy and think “pure kike.”

But it sort of speaks to the power of Jewish genetics though. They can overpower black genes and be dominant.