White Woman Writes Love Song for Calais Vibrants

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 12, 2016

Here you have a lovely Aryan Princess singing a love song to the vibrant fellows of Calais.

Here name is Ella Grace. Here’s her YouTube description for this Robert Zimmerman inspired diddy:

This song is about a 17 year old guy called Hassan from Afghanistan who I was lucky enough to spend my days with in Calais. He is still in living in The Jungle with his twin, they made the journey over alone together.

It’s so cute. I just love how are Aryan Princesses are so compassionate to the oppressed at Calais.

You know, like these guys:

innocent victims

The innocent victims who really need our protection.

Really, the more I consider it, the more it makes sense to really empower women, to give them a greater say in the way society is run. If we did it, we could surely achieve true peace in no time. Because truly, just because women are driven by emotion, it’s just that their logic is tempered by emotion.

And really, who are we to judge a young White woman for choosing straight-off-the-boat Negroes as sex partners over her own men? She’s intelligent and empowered enough to make her own decisions about her body. Plus maybe most women aren’t even like this somehow.

Yeah, guys. It turns out the White Knights were right, and I truly have been too hard on these Aryan Princesses.

I guess I need to ask forgiveness from God for my misogyny.

Or wait. I suppose it’s Allah I should be asking, as our Princesses have chosen Islam for our great new society of peace and unity.

Here it goes, guys:

By Allah, I repent of my sexist misogyny.