White Woman’s Face Smashed by 2 Black Car-Jackers

11 Alive
August 12, 2014

Michelle Wing says there was no need at all for the Blacks to beat her up, as she was giving them the keys to the car.

Michelle Wing has shopped and dined at Phipps Plaza hundreds of times and always felt safe there. That changed Monday night when she was beaten, robbed and carjacked in a well-lit parking lot outside Nordstrom. Wing’s vehicle was parked underneath a lamppost and next to a security call box.

Wing said she was at a dinner party at Twist Restaurant when she walked out to her car shortly after 11 p.m.

“Two men jumped me from behind, then starting punching me,” she recalled. They were screaming profanity, saying “Give me your keys, or I’ll kill you.” She said.

“I really thought they were going to kill me, especially when he said he had a gun,” she said.

“I was trying to give them my keys. Steal my car if you want, but did they really need to beat me?” She said they also stole her iPhone and purse.

As the robbers drove off in Wing’s gray 5-Series BMW, other patrons dialed 911. She was taken to Atlanta Medical Center by ambulance with a fractured cheekbone, lacerations, bruises and head injuries.

The car-jacking in progress at Phipps Plaza.

Police are studying surveillance video from parking lot security cameras. Wing described her attackers as two young black men in their late teens or early twenties. She said one of them was wearing colored jeans, a white tank top and possibly a hat. She said he looked clean cut and was about 5 feet, eight inches tall.

Wing says she may never again walk to her car alone and she’s speaking out to warn others. “I just want people to be very aware of their surroundings,” she said.

Detectives from Atlanta Police Zone 2 interviewed Wing on Tuesday and say they are actively investigating the case.

Police say robberies and carjackings at Phipps Plaza are rare. “This is only the second robbery this year,” said Atlanta Polcie spokesman Sgt. Greg Lyons. “We hope to get some leads after studying surveillance video.”