White Woman’s Skull Fractured by Mongrel Brute When She Resisted His Sexual Advances

January 31, 2015

Levi Angol-Iddon kicked the young mother in the head and fractured her skull when she told him she was not interested in sleeping with him.

A single mum of two has spoken of her terror after she was kicked to the ground, fracturing her skull, when she turned down the sexual advances of a stranger as she walked her dog close to her home.

The woman, who is too afraid to be identified, said she feared for her life when Levi Angol-Iddon launched the brutal attack, which left her with severe head injuries.

She said: “He was like an animal. Some animals wouldn’t do this.”

Football coach Iddon, 21, of Callon Street, has been told a prison sentence is inevitable after a jury convicted him of wounding.

His victim has been forced to move away from the area she has lived in since she came to the UK to work nine years ago and is too afraid to walk her terrier when she gets in from work.

She said: “Before (the attack) I just lived and didn’t think anything like this could happen to me. w

“Now I only take the dog out for a walk in the daylight. Now it is dark at five o’clock I sit at home after work. I am really scared.”

Speaking from her Preston home, she said she used to enjoy taking the dog for a walk in the evening. She said: “That was my bit of time.”

But that changed in July 2013 when she encountered Iddon and a group of men sitting on the pavement outside the off-licence in Callon Street as she made her way home. Speaking through a Russian interpreter, the woman told the court she had never seen her attacker before. “He said to me, ‘Hello, I want to have sex with you tonight’.

“I said to him, ‘Look at yourself in a mirror.’ I didn’t mean anything in particular. I just said that and carried on walking.

“He immediately stood up and approached me and kicked me in the face.”

The woman fell to the ground and lost consciousness but when she came round she picked up her phone and was able to call a friend. An ambulance came to the scene and the victim was taken to Royal Preston Hospital where she was treated for a fractured skull and bruises to her face.

Breaking down behind screens in the witness box, the woman could not look at pictures of her injuries as they were too traumatic.