Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2015

In all likelihood, these are not trolls, but in fact women taking place in what they believe to be a serious conversation about how to treat Black people as children in order to protect their feelings.

Blacks are like children, you see, and can trigger a female nurturing mechanism, especially in women who don’t have real children to nurture.
Again: Garden of Eden. Women’s liberation is what is driving all of this. Men follow along with their gibberish because of a certain body-part they possess which modern men believe they are required to approve of their beliefs in order to gain access to.
Sad but true. Don’t shoot the messenger.
In the same token, if men understood that they can actually get women while being a Nazi, as long as they don’t come on too strong to begin with, we wouldn’t have this issue. So the problem is technically with men, who have accepted the idea that they must literally internalize a woman-friendly value system in order to obtain approval (read: sex) from women.
Honestly, I don’t know what to do about it. The idea, at this point, of coming out and saying that women shouldn’t have “rights” beyond what they had in the 1850s really wouldn’t go over very well.