White Women Team Up with Moslems to Support “Moslem Americans”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2017

A series of pro-Moslem demonstrations in the US over the weekend mirrored a similar demonstration held for Moslems in Barcelona, which we reported on yesterday, in that the overwhelming majority of non-Moslem participants were white women.


Demonstrations were held in cities around the U.S. this weekend to support Muslim Americans and to protest President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

More than a thousand people of various faiths rallied in New York City on Sunday.

The “I Am A Muslim Too” event was held in Times Square and was organized by several groups, including the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding.

Some protesters waved American flags, while others held signs saying “No Muslim Ban.”

Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke at the peaceful rally, saying “we have to dispel the stereotypes” and that America is “a country founded to protect all faiths and all beliefs.”

Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons headlined the event. He said the Muslim community was being used as a scapegoat, but that “diversity will prevail.”

In Oregon, hundreds of people demonstrated on Sunday in front of the Oregon State Capitol to voice their support for immigration rights.

Yesica Navarro spoke about growing up as an immigrant. She said she came to the U.S. as a child with her family, and they managed to succeed despite the odds, The Statesman Journal reported.

“We love this country, and we want to be accepted. This is our home,” Navarro said.

The crowd, which organizers said neared 1,000, cheered and clapped as cars honked their horns, the newspaper said. The rally was part of a national effort called Immigrants’ March Presidents Day 2017.

In Dallas on Saturday, police estimated about 1,700 people rallied downtown in a peaceful show of support for immigrants and refugees.

The Dallas Morning News reported that religious and civic leaders were among those protesting President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

Some marchers carried U.S. flags or banners from other nations and chanted: “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here.” No arrests were made..

It is very telling that the media never mentions the fact that the majority of white people protesting for mass immigration are always women. Like, we’re talking 80% – that’s 4 out of 5.

Presumably, you can extrapolate from this that women are generally several times more likely than men to support these nation-destroying policies. Of course, there are men at these rallies (though I think they are mostly boyfriends or men trying to meet women in an environment where they get to virtue signal, something that modern men very, very wrongly believe women appreciate), but even if some percentage of men do support these policies, it is at a much, much lower rate than women.

Which means that based on statistics, the “empowerment” of women has been a complete and total disaster for our society.

I am often accused of sexism by feminist Nazis (yes, this is somehow a thing) for simply pointing this out. But if I cared a lot about people’s feelings, I would be in a different profession. I care about the truth.

And the truth is, the degree to which women have power in a society is the degree to which that society is going to be on a mission to commit suicide.

Here’s Russell Simmons explaining he co-organized the rally with a rabbi – something that the AP forgot to mention.