Whites are Increasingly Lashing Out at the Behavior of Violent Negro Savages in America

Daily Slave
October 26, 2014

"I'm just about fed-up with all this here, faggots." -White America to the Cultural Marxist system
“I’m just about fed-up with all this here, faggots.” -White America to the Cultural Marxist system

It is becoming increasingly obvious that multiculturalism cannot and will not work.

Whites who have had all of this Cultural Marxist insanity shoved down their throats over the past 50 years are starting to rebel against it.  I came across a story about a group of female Negro savages that ganged up on another Negro going to a job interview.  I would say that over 90% of the comments would be considered “racist” by the Jew media.  It shows that we are having an impact on the narrative.  Being labeled a “racist” is starting to lose its meaning.  The Jew run media has used the term so much that nobody cares if they are called this any longer.

Check out some of the comments I came across.


There are many other mainstream stories on Black violence where the comments section is flooded with all sorts of anti-Black comments much like the one’s shown above.  This is particularly true in the case of stories involving Black on White violence, which obviously happens far more frequently than White on Black violence.  In some cases, certain publications have chosen to shut down their comments section because of the overwhelming amount of so-called “racist” comments.

When you see the comments section of a mainstream Jew-run media site like a CBS affiliate looking like the comments section of a Daily Stormer article, you know that people’s perceptions are changing radically.