Whites Greatly Decreased African Mortality, Rewarded with Name-Calling and Deluge

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 11, 2016


White people were responsible for the vast reduction of mortality rates in Africa.

As this infographic featured in Nature shows, Western medicine has drastically reduced the instances of Malaria – the deadliest disease – over the last 15 years.


The White mass-charity program to manage this and other deadly diseases has not resulted in a change in the fertility patterns of African women, which is thus resulting in a population explosion in Africa.

In explosion which has obviously become completely unmanageable.

Population-1950-2100- b

Instead of being thanked for helping these people to lower their rate of death, we have been deluged with the surplus population which has resulted in a lower mortality rate and called names if we protest.

While the global government systems of the UN and EU are constantly talking about “population control,” none will dare suggest that we have to start sterilizing Africans. Instead, they merely pressure the native population of Europe to accept an infinite number of Black criminals onto their streets.

No one bothers to argue that this is sustainable. The question of sustainability is deferred to the upcoming generation who is going to have to deal with the fallout of a Black Planet.
