Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 28, 2014
Now that cops are getting slaughtered on the streets by the same Blacks claiming Black criminals such as Michael Brown have a right to slaughter cops on the streets and face no consequences, White protesters are coming out to stand against the murderous Black hordes under the guise of “supporting the cops.”
Demonstrators supporting law enforcement rallied in Cleveland and Denver Saturday as other protesters opposing racial profiling and the deaths of unarmed black men by police held demonstrations in Los Angeles and Chicago.
The demonstrations supporting law enforcement and those protesting police killings occurred on the same day that a funeral was held for a New York City Police Department officer who was killed by a gunman believed to have referenced recent unrest online.
Hundreds of people in downtown Cleveland attended a “Sea of Blue” rally in support of law enforcement officers, with some holding signs that read slogans like, “blue bleeds red for all people.” Tensions in Cleveland have been high after a police officer in November fatally shot a 12-year-old boy who had a pellet gun.
“We need everyone to see we are not bad,” Donna Brown, a Cleveland police officer, said. “We need them to come up to us and say ‘I need help.'” There were also pro-police rallies in Denver, Des Moines and Seattle Saturday.
Let’s just hope “I support the police” is really codeword for “send these apes home to Africa so we can live in peace.”
Seriously though, if there weren’t any Blacks, these cops would be put out of work by the tens of thousands. I mean, we would still have a few White guys who get drunk and smack their wives around, maybe a couple teenage shoplifters, but other than that, without Blacks you just really wouldn’t hardly even need cops.

Here’s another shot from the Cleveland protest. This is a majority Black city, mind you – 53.3% Black, 37.3% White.

The crowd is, effectively, entirely White.
But they keep telling us this isn’t about race. These protesters themselves would probably say it isn’t about race.
Let’s just admit it, people: this entire thing is about race. Period.
And as far as I’m concerned all of the people posting on pro-White sites against cops and saying things like Darren Wilson was trained as an assassin by the Jew Mossad seriously need to consider what side you are fighting on.
Now is not the time to be going on about “muh police state Alex Jones said.” Now is the time to stand with the people who protect us from the Blacks, if even just because that is the way this thing is going.
We already picked teams, fags. Get it together and stop fighting the White team, which is the cops. We’ve all met prick cops before but that is completely not the point. Stop siding with the peaceful cop-killing Black rioters.