#WhitesAgainstTrump Appears to Have Been Yet Another Jewish Conspiracy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2015

On Wednesday, #WhitesAgainstTrump was trending on Twitter.

It was alleged that the hashtag was created by a Jew.

The BBC is reporting that the woman who created, Heather Bentley, it is White; I am unable to confirm that.

However, this woman admits to have been inspired by an article on Salon, which was written by a Black and a Jew (W. Kamau Bell and Adam Mansbach, respectively).

But then why aren't we allowed to blame Moslems for terrorism though?
But then why aren’t we allowed to blame Moslems for Islamic terrorism though?

This doesn’t actually make sense, given that the article was published on the 15th and Bentley’s original Tweet containing the tag was posted on the 9th. But whatever. Mansbach is claiming to have invented it and Bentley is going along with this claim, saying she created it based on a December 8th earlier Facebook post by Bell.

Whatever the case, this whole situation is linked to and possibly organized by a Black and a Jew, and yet the filthy Jew media is presenting it as though it is some organic movement by Whites against their own Glorious Leader.

When you actually scan the hashtag, most of the posts are from Nazis mocking it, many are from Jews claiming to be White, a lot are from White women.

However, there were a few White males involved.

I have long been interested in the role that the hormonal system plays in politics. I would like to see a study on the testosterone levels of these men.

It is wholly unnatural for a man to be against a strong, aggressive leader who represents his interests and those of his kinfolk. It is the diametric opposite of nature. Masculine men are drawn to other masculine men, as evidenced yesterday by Vladimir Putin endorsing Our Glorious Leader.

The reason is that White men understand other White men, and recognize strength as virtue. Masculine virtue is based on hierarchy, which any natural man desires to find a place within. He will be comfortable with his natural rank in the hierarchy, feeling compelled to obey those ranked higher and protect those ranked lower.

This is the basic tribal order, and it is eternal and unchanging.

What appears to happen is that men who take on feminine traits, probably mainly due to hormonal issues, will scorn the concept of hierarchy and instead promote a feminine social model, which is leaderless and communitarian.

The Jew Theo Adorno called masculine desire for a hierarchy “the authoritarian personality,” and argued that if a society is based upon that, Jews will eventually be persecuted and ejected. This is clearly an accurate assessment. As such, it isn’t any wonder Jews want to put women in power over you while systematically emasculating your men and boys.
