Who are We to Judge Someone for Accidentally Joining ISIS?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2016


Yesterday, we published an article about a fat Swedish teenager accidentally joining ISIS. We admonished the girl for having acted irresponsibly. However, a reader reminds us that accidentally joining ISIS is something that happens to the best of us:

Don’t we all accidentally join ISIS sometimes?

Just a few months ago, I took my car to the mechanic’s for some routine maintenance. About half an hour later, the head mechanic said, “Your serpentine belt is looking a bit worn, and should probably be replaced within the next few months. C’mon, let me show you.”

“Okay,” I said, and began to follow him back toward the workshop. Just as we reached the entrance, he handed me a pair of black coveralls and told me to put them on before heading in. I wasn’t sure why I should, but decided to comply. Then he handed me a black towel and told me to wrap it around my head, but to also make sure I could see through it. Again, I complied.

I knew something was up when he led me right past my car without saying a word. I was going to ask what was going on, but I was distracted by someone yelling “Catch!” — and when I turned toward the voice’s source, I saw that a rifle had been thrown at me. As I caught it, the man who had thrown it said: “Nice catch. Now go kill some infidels and get your ficky-ficky on, okay? Allahu akbar.”

It took me several days of shooting people, beheading people, and smoking jihadi meth until I realized what was going on. I told one of the commanders that I hadn’t really meant to join ISIS, I’d been tricked by a mechanic. “Oh,” said the commander. “Sorry about that; I thought you understood that ‘serpentine belt’ was a euphemism for joining us. Well, thanks for your help. Shalom.”

So I went back and got my car and drove home.

Look, the moral of the story is that it can happen to anyone. I’m sure a few of you have accidentally joined ISIS one or two times. You can choose not to share your stories, but don’t go acting all self-righteous in the face of this young lady’s story. We’ve all been there.