WHO: Being a Tranny is No Longer a Mental Illness – But Being a Gamer Is

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 20, 2018

I guess the big lul here is that Brianna Wu remains officially mentally ill, just for a new reason

If they didn’t add “gamer” at the same time they removed “tranny,” this would be less staggering.

The Week:

The World Health Organization’s international list of diseases is getting an update.

In its revised International Classification of Diseases released Monday, the WHO removed transgender identity as a mental health disorder and added gaming disorder to the list. Recategorizing transgender as a sexual health condition is aimed at cutting stigma and improving quality of care, says the WHO.

The WHO first considered declassifying “gender incongruence” in July 2016, The New York Times reports, but didn’t make the change officially until the Monday release of the ICD-11, the WHO’s first revision to its list of diseases in 28 years. Over the past few decades, transgender identity has hopped from a “sexual deviation” to “gender dysphoria” in the DSM mental disorder handbook used by psychologists. Now, it’s only considered a disorder, per 2013’s DSM-5, if a transgender person experiences distress or dysfunction.

Gaming disorder, characterized as an addiction to gaming, also made the WHO’s new list. A version called internet gaming disorder first appeared in the DSM-5.

The crazy thing really is that the whole normalization of trannies agenda went full on while these people still officially considered it a mental illness.